Substack: Purpose-led
Imagine what could happen if we each started waking up to our unique God-given purpose and started embracing habits and actions that allow us to live it out. Each month I will share with you some things that I have been researching or trends that I am seeing in my work or my community that may help you embrace your unique purpose. The hope is that we build a community where we can learn to appreciate the good that we bring into the world and start practising doing more of that.

YouVersion Devotional: 6 Habits of Purposeful Leaders
Being a “good” leader isn’t enough. “Good” checks the box but “purposeful” inspires and magnifies. A purposeful leader achieves goals with excellence because their staff are inspired to harness their passions, strengths, and resources to excel far greater than they could have imagined. When you leave the presence of a purposeful leader, you leave changed for the better. But how do we move from “good” to “purposeful”? This plan provides six habits you can try in your leadership right now. Let these spark in you a new curiosity of how you can develop into a more purposeful leader.
YouVersion Devotional: Naming Your Unique Purpose
Naming our purpose is one of the most powerful things we can do. God is a Creator with wisdom, strategy, and precision. Those tugs on your heart that say you were meant to see and do more are a clue to how He designed you. Naming helps us understand the specific value of what we have been given. It gives us something to visualise. It gives us something to practice!